Penetration Testing and Internal Vulnerability Scanning
Oxygen provides external penetration testing that involves a simulated cyber-attack against your company’s computer systems. This is performed using manual and automated technologies to systematically compromise servers, endpoints, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices and other potential points of exposure.
The outcome of the penetration test will identify security vulnerabilities across your company assets, allowing Oxygen to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before a real-world attacker finds them. Oxygen will then assist your company in its ability to maintain Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) of its sensitive data and systems.
Oxygen performs internal vulnerability scanning with full access to the customer’s internal network. The internal vulnerability scan is very thorough and can show the full extent of any network vulnerabilities. The outcome provides the customer with details on any security weaknesses in their environment. Oxygen will also provide direction on how to remediate the risks associated with those weaknesses.